Hot Springs, AR - Sources close to Gun Cave owner and former Candidate for Governor Jan Morgan have confirmed she was admitted to the Arkansas State Mental Hospital after suffering from a violent mental episode inside her indoor gun range. The breakdown happened shortly after information about a new Mosque in Hot Springs was passed along to Mrs. Morgan.
It is alleged she stripped down to her underwear, through the business, randomly firing a pistol, screaming "Allah will not take me!" She was picked up by GCSO deputies in the woods near the range while attempting to defecate on a copy of the Qur'ran. Deputies say she had to be hogtied inside a patrol car after kicking at the windows. "It was obvious Mrs. Morgan is deeply disturbed and in need of help, not incarceration," one deputy said.
One patron on the scene said, "I'm all for ridding America of the Muslim threat, but I don't see how this is gonna help with that. We were all having some fun with our guns and then she busts out of her office in her granny panties, a screaming, and a shooting."