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Garland County Sheriff's Office to Begin Using Shock Collars on Inmates

The Garland County Sheriff's Department is introducing new technology to keep inmates in compliance in the form of electronic shock collars. Sheriff McCormick says he got the idea from watching a youtube video of people testing collars on each other. ”After seeing the video I came to the logical conclusion that we need these at the jail, ” McCormick said.

The shock collars will be used to prevent escapes, fights, and generally bad attitudes. ”You’ll smile in my jail or ride the lighting, ” McCormick continued. All guards will be equipped with remotes that are able to ”point and shock” any inmate into the fetal position. Inmates attempting escape will be met with fatal shock. McCormick believes the new collars will make the facility escape proof.

The shock collar program is projected to save the department in staffing cost with fewer officers needed with the collars. They embezzling the extra money from the program.



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